
There are three alternatives to use the package in your own software:

  • Using the package directly from Spark Packages.
  • Adding it as a dependency to your project through Maven central.
  • Compiling the source code and using the jar file.

Alternatively, if you just want to execute simple scala scripts locally, you can use the provided docker image as explained in Quick Start

Using Spark Packages

The easiest way of using the package is through Spark Packages, as you only need to add the package in the command line when running your application:

spark-submit --packages com.enriquegrodrigo:spark-crowd_2.11:0.2.1 application.scala

You can also open a spark-shell using:

spark-shell --packages com.enriquegrodrigo:spark-crowd_2.11:0.2.1

Adding it as a dependency

In addition to Spark Packages, the library is also in Maven Central, so you can add it as a dependency in your scala project. For example, in sbt you can add the dependency as shown below:

libraryDependencies += "com.enriquegrodrigo" %% "spark-crowd" % "0.2.1"

This allows you to use the methods inside your Apache Spark projects.

Compiling the source code

To build the package using sbt you can use the following command inside the spark-crowd folder:

sbt package

It generates a compiled jar file that you can add to your project.